Twas the night before Saturday and all through the house everyone was throwing napkins and making a mess. EXACTLY WHO'S IDEA WAS THIS? If not the most IRRESPONSIBLE choice I have EVER seen. Not only were the brand new napkins thrown about the entire apartment, someone also went goldfish crazy, and there are tons of remnants of crushed orange crackers on my floor. This would not be such a problem if we did have a vacuum. Unfortunately, for a apartment habited by primarily filthy men. We all do take our share in the clean-up and today I would like to inspire my roommates with a battle speech. There shalt not be any more drinking in our apartment until it hast been cleaned with the utmost in ferocity. OH YEAH, one more gripe. I know one of my roommates had no idea that smoking a black and mild would taint our walls and furniture, FOREVER. He did say he was sorry because I was quote on quote "crying" about it. The only reason that was said is because I was the only one with the BAWLZ to call him out on it. I love you moosey moose.

PS: It snowed about 3 inches since Friday night.



Anonymous said...

Hey man, sometimes ya don't have bubbles or a fog machine or a jello wrestling pool. Sometimes all ya have are halloween decorations and a big-ass bag of napkins. :)

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